Daily Greens:
Wellbeing Nutrition daily greens - organic plant superfood effervescent tablets are the most convenient and delicious way to get a daily dose of 39 greens, fruits veggies, and herbs. Crafted with an organic blend of essential and alkalising real greens, straight from the farm. Spinach, kale, aloe vera, wheatgrass, brussel sprout, alfalfa, oregano, spirulina, chlorella, broccoli, ashwagandha, moringa, basil and potent blend of over 30+ antioxidant-rich superfoods including blueberry, raspberry, cherry, apple, acai, turmeric, cinnamon, green tea, carrot , green coffee bean and many more. Each tablet delivers 100% daily value of 12+ wholefood multi-vitamins , minerals and electrolytes like vitamin c, vitamin b3, vitamin b5, vitamin b12, vitamin b6, fibre, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium,manganese, calcium,vitamin d, vitamin e and many more phytonutrients all derived from organic greens & fruits. Daily greens help to boost immunity & metabolism, fight free radicals, cures acidity and bloating, boost digestive enzymes with plant probiotics, decrease inflammation, make your skin glow, detoxes the body and aids in weight loss, protects your brain and relieves stress. All our products are free of gluten, wheat, dairy, sugar, preservatives, allergens, and colors. Safe for vegan and diabetics. It can be taken up to 2 times a day for adults and once a day for children between 4-8 years. Enjoy a convenient and delicious way to get your daily dose of green nutrition.
Grandma's Kadha:
Wellbeing nutrition grandma's kadha is a concentrated, hot water soluble herbal preparation of 13 carfuly selected organic ayurvedic tested medicinal herbs used over centuries to fight and combat against common cold, cough, congestion, flu and infections. It is an effective remedy to boost the bodys immunity, helps in stimulating phagocytosis and has natural antibiotic and anti-infection properties. Grandmas kadha is most effective for analgesic, antipyretic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory thus accounting in immediate relief and was borne out of our need to deliver pure, effective and trustable ayurvedic products to the world. |